• Blueberry Juniper
  • Blueberry Juniper
Gin and Tonic, but make it Boochy. Late summer blueberries mingle with juniper, lime, and centaury (trust us on this one) to create a brilliantly bitter-sweet ode to the classic cocktail. This Booch is dry, aromatic, and a serious session.

Artwork provided by Hanna Gundrum with Little House Ink.
Dry 60%
Sweet 40%

From the Brewer

The first thing to note is the beautiful color of this Booch. The blueberries color this Booch a beautiful light reddish-purple color, definitely something that will draw intrigue. The aroma profile should remind you heavily of pine and gin. The juniper is what comes through at the start and is the heavy-hitter aroma. The undertones of the aroma should be some fresh blueberry, which inherently breaks down further into apple and pear in addition to the nice berry notes. Finally, you may notice a slight citrus presence of lime, but it should not be overpowering.

Similar to the other releases this flavor mimics the aroma, but there is also a component you should only detect in the flavor. So the heavy-hitting infusion ingredient, the juniper berries, will be detectable at the start and finish of the beverage and give the nice flavor of pine and gin. Then the blueberry sweetness comes in with notes of apple, pear, and berry, and then there is the lime that shouldn’t be overpowering and reminiscent of a lime wedge squeezed into the drink.

A special component in this drink actually may be detected at the start or on the finish, but not aggressively so, that component is the centaury. You should taste some bitter notes, but it shouldn’t be overpowering and should remind you of quinine, the bitter component in the tonic.

If you are a gin and tonic lover, this should be your go-to drink of choice, because it should deliver all the components of a gin and tonic, but lighter and healthier.


Find the most frequently asked questions below.

Hard kombucha is just like regular kombucha (which is technically fermented tea), brewed to 7% ABV. Ours contains fair trade tea, real fruit, and fresh herbs.

Boochcraft is like a bold flavor sparkling wine or champange. In fact, we use white wine yeast to brew our delicious Hard Kombucha.

Give it a try. If you don't like it, we'll buy it back. Just let us know.

Boochcraft is an alcohol beverage, so should always be consumer responsibliy and in moderation. The difference between Boochcraft and other alcoholic beverages is our use of real ingredients inside every can. Nothing fake or articial, which we think crafts a beverage that gives you a lighter and brighter buzz.

Because it's FRESH! We use real ingredients in our beverage, so just as you wouldn't want to leave an apple sitting in the truck of a hot car, you wouldn't want to do the same to our beverage.

Warning: Our cans have been known to explode when they get warmer. Those live cultures actuing up again *wink*

Check out our store locator, but you can generally find Boochcraft in any natural grocery and independent liquor stores. We're just starting to get Booch into larger chains. Want to see it in a store near you, contact us and let the store know!

Boochcraft is a net zero emmissions brewery, usese fair trade ingrednets, works with local & regenerative farms to source fruit, composts over 1,000,000 pounds of fruit scraps every year, donates unused fruit to local food banks so...ya... I guess you could say we're sustainable.
