Boochcraft loves to "Kiss the Ground." Our Journey with Regenerative Agriculture.
In the journey towards regenerative agriculture, some of the biggest shifts will need to be made in our farming practices. After years of working directly with farmers, we know one thing for sure: Farming is not an easy job. Farmers are not doing what they do because they want to get rich quick. They’re not in for the fame and glory. In a world where margins are thin, natural disasters abundant, and unpredictable weather is par for the course, asking a farmer to spend money or resources on new ways of farming is a big ask. That is why in our search for ways to support Regenerative Agriculture, we first looked for programs that support farmers directly. Luckily we found a non-profit right here in our backyard that is leading the charge.
Kiss the Ground’s Farmland program funds training and soil testing that supports producers (farmers and ranchers) in transitioning landscapes and adopting management practices aligned with the principles of regenerative agriculture. Basically, it is a resource for farmers that are transitioning to regenerative agriculture practices. We figured if we are going to ask farmers to shift their farming practices we better be willing to support them in that transition. Some of the farms that have gone through the program include Yisrael Family Farms, where Chanowk and Judith Yisrael grow leafy greens, root vegetables, squash, legumes, fruit, and herbs. With the mission of #transformingthehood4good by using urban agriculture to engage, empower, and employ their community in South Oak Park in Sacramento.
Another participating farm in the program, Organic Compound, is owned and operated by Wil and Carly Crombie. They are growing/raising Tree-Range Chickens, Hazelnuts, Elderberries, Chestnuts, Oak (for timber), Sugar Maple, and countless other crops and species across the farm and homestead. They have transformed 40 acres of Wil’s family land from a conventionally farmed cropland into a thriving ecosystem. Together they planted over 20,000 trees and shrubs and began integrating animals along with perennial and annual alley crops – returning natural cycles to the once monoculture landscape.
Paired up with our Heirloom Kiwi release, for which we sourced delicious organic kiwi’s from Wild River Fruit, the third generation in Marysville, CA. Wild River employs many regenerative farming techniques of their own, such as cover crops in their orchards, owl boxes to attract owls, and prevent pests, as well as composting onsite. This was our first Heirloom release and likely one that you will see again ;) The problems facing us are not ones that will be solved easily or without much effort. They are not problems that any of us, including our farmers, can face alone. Farmers like the Yisraels and Crombies are putting in the effort and we are here to support them. Will Crombie has a prayer that he can share this story of restoration, community building, and business development with the world and somehow play a role in bringing about a healthier food system and healthier communities. He wants to see farms across the landscape growing trees, integrating livestock, increasing biodiversity, healing our soils, replenishing our aquifers, and generating healthy food and lifestyles. They think farmers deserve a decent living wage and citizens deserve healthy food, and that should and can be achieved while regenerating the planet’s ecosystems. We agree with Will and we will continue to support farmers to ensure his prayer is answered. -Adam Hiner Co-Founder/Director of Community Impact