7 Tips for a Sustainable Winter Season
Boochcraft is headquartered in San Diego, so we understand that we don’t technically have a “winter” in our coastal desert city. The closest we get to an actual winter is a thin layer of frost on our windshields, but we think there’s always more we could do to practice sustainability once the thermostat drops.
Here are our top 7 tips for having a sustainable winter season, wherever you live in the US!
1. Bring the compost inside
With the crisp fall air barely making an appearance in San Diego, it can be hard to imagine not wanting to go outside to maintain a compost bin. But soon enough, it’s going to be a little too chilly to give your compost the TLC it needs. Did you know you can bring the compost indoors? You can! Utilize your freezer to hold your compost without any smell or mess. Rather than using a plastic ziplock bag, you can use a sealed glass container to store your compost.
New to composting? Check out this Beginner’s Guide to Composting from Planet Natural. You can also see A Homeowners Guide to Composting for more info!
2. Let the light in
In the cooler months, make sure that you open your curtains and shades during the day. This will let in the sunlight and the sun’s rays will help keep your home a few degrees warmer. It may seem like a simple tip, but often times it’s the small things that make the biggest impact!
3. Avoid phantom energy
Dun, dun, dunnnnn. Phantom energy isn’t a good look, no matter what season it is. Believe it or not, when you leave electronics plugged in, they still use energy. Before you leave home for the day, try to unplug toasters, TV’s, small heaters, chargers and adapters. Unplugging your home before you head out for the day can actually make a substantial impact on your electric bill...so give it a try!
4. Bundle up before turning on the heat
Of course, it can be tempting to come home and immediately turn on the heat to warm up. We get it. But if you’re looking for more ways to benefit the environment and reduce your energy bill, consider bundling up before turning up that thermostat.
5. Optimize your outdoor lighting
The lighting outside of a home is often overlooked, especially in winter when you spend more time indoors. But you can easily replace the bulbs around your home’s exterior to a more sustainable option. Incandescent bulbs less than 40 watts are all you need for outdoor lighting.
6. Weather-proof your pad
The smallest cracks in your windows and door frames can cause your energy use to rise. Here’s a tip to help you weather-proof your pad this winter. Take a lit incense stick (c’mon, we know you have some stashed away in a drawer, somewhere) and hold it near all of your window and door frames. If you see any leaking smoke, you have a crack that needs sealing. Simply caulk the crack and voila! You’ve weather proofed your home for a more sustainable winter season.
7. Eat seasonally
We all know that in today’s day and age you can find just about anything you want within the confines of your average grocery store. We’re able to walk into a grocery store any time of year and purchase things like oranges and blueberries. But these fruits don’t grow in most corners of the United States, let alone all-year long. By shopping for seasonal produce, you not only support the farms that practice sustainable growing, but you give your body the nutrients it needs. To get started with shopping and eating seasonal product, we recommend this winter guide for seasonal eating.
Being sustainable is easy no matter which season we’re in. We hope these 7 tips for more sustainable living during the winter season give you inspiration for making an impact in your everyday life. Change begins by taking small steps forward. At Boochcraft, we believe that everyone has the power to make a difference for our planet. How will you make a difference today?